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Inspector finds numerous violations at Asian restaurant in The Villages

May 03, 2024

An inspector found numerous violations last week at an Asian restaurant in The Villages.

The inspector found seven high-priority violation, three intermediate violations and 10 basic violations at KungFu Chef at Southern Trace Plaza.

The inspector visited the restaurant on Aug. 14 and found dead roaches behind a rice cooker, under the dishwashing machine and on the floor behind the front counter, according to a report on file with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The inspector also spotted “multiple” employees without hair restraint engaging in food preparation in the cook line area.

A high-priority violation involved food being placed in a soiled container. Specifically, fried chicken was placed in a cardboard container that had previously held raw chicken. Storage of raw food was also a high-priority violation. The inspector found raw chicken stored over raw pork in a walk-in freezer and raw shrimp stored over mushrooms in a walk-in cooler.

A can of WD-40, considered a toxic substance, was found stored over seasonings used for food.

There were several problems with hygiene. An employee handled dirty utensils and then engaged in food preparation. Another employee walked outside with a soiled cardboard box, then came back in and started cutting up vegetables without engaging in handwashing.

A pan with spoons blocked the use of a handwash sink by employees. There was evidence of potential cross contamination with regard to use of utensils. Wet wiping cloths were not stored in a sanitizing solution.

KungFu Chef received its license to operate in December. The arrival of the restaurant was announced last year.